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Indira Parthasarathy Vallikannan Thi. He dropped out of school in the seventh standard. Personalize Gift card We will send an email to receiver for gift card. He centres his stories around Karisal country's people, their lives, beliefs, struggles and folklore. Submit Review Submit Review. A highway robber murders a pregnant young woman for her jewellery. ki rajanarayanan books

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Ki ra thatha sollum Gramiya Kathaigal

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ki Ra's stories are usually based in karisal kaadu scorched, drought stricken land around Kovilpatti.


Dec 27, Sivaramakkrishnan. Write a Testimonial Few good words, go a long way, thanks! Still having great impression of Ki Ra, i would not recommend this book to any as Ki Ra stories for children.

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He centres his stories around Karisal country's rajanaraynan, their lives, beliefs, struggles and folklore. Various short stories for children written by Ki.

Rajanarayanan was born in Idaiseval village in As ofhe has published around 30 books. It was screened in the International Film Festival of India.

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Popularly known as Ki. This page was last edited on 24 Septemberat To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. E-Gift Couponclick here. Other Books By Author.

Monday to Saturday 9. Nuhman Booos the Book: The People of Gopallapuram are among his most acclaimed; he won the Sahitya Akademi award for the latter in Login Please enter your login details. Trivia About Ki ra thatha soll Inthe Thanjavur based publishing house Annam compiled these folktales into a page book, the Nattuppura Kadhai Kalanjiyam Collection of Country Tales.

Paperback80 pages. Click on image to Zoom.

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